Be Amazing Toys Big Bag Of Science, Grades 3 - 12
This giant kit is designed to whet the appetites of budding young scientists of all ages. With more than 70 unique, fun, hands-on science activities, this kit guarantees hours and hours of science fun. Set up your own science lab. Amaze your friends and family with such activities as making water disappear, having a liquid flow uphill, making a 30ft soda geyser, growing fake snow instantly, balancing 6 nails on the head of one nail - and much, much more. This kit covers the three areas of science (Physical, Earth and Life) as well as activities in Chemistry, Physics, Magnetism, Weather, Biology, Geology and Flight. The re-usable zipper bag is great for storing all components when its time to put your lab away. You will even learn why you might hate your vegetables and what the iron in your breakfast cereal looks like. Ages 8 and up.