BTI 6MT4T-BTI 7.6V 62WHR LI-ION BATTERY - Compatible OEM 451-BBUN 451-BBUP 451-BBUQ 535NC 6MT4T 7V69Y HK6DV JCDHY K3JK9 NR1DY TXF9M 451-BBTW 0C1P4 451-BBTX FN7FY 0HK6DV Compatible Models LATITUDE E5470 LATITUDE E5570
Proprietary Battery Size battery - A convenient spare for your notebook, giving you peace of mind 8157 mAh battery capacity allows longer, charged usage in a dependable manner with maximum feasibility Proprietary Battery Size battery size for better reliance and dependable usability 7.6 V DC battery - Ensures a steady and uninterrupted supply to your notebook Save your precious time by recharging the battery instead of running to the store each time you run out of batteries A light-weight battery with improved safety Rechargeable & avoids disposables - designed to be used repeatedly, helping you save money and avoid single-use disposables.