Sakura Pigma Sensei Manga Drawing Kit, 6-Piece Set, Black Ink, Pack Of 2
Drawing Manga not only allows you to show your artistic abilities, but also lets you tell a story. This Manga drawing kit features an illustration guide to help you freehand draw an image filled with impact and drama. Pens let you create a variety of fine and bold strokes for facial expressions, lettering, and more. Drawing kit set includes a 0.7 mechanical pencil, block eraser, and illustration guide to help you get started. Each set includes a 0.7 fixed-sleeve mechanical pencil, a 0.3 mm ultra-fine tip pigma sensei pen, a 0.4 mm plastic-tip pigma sensei pen, a 0.6 mm bullet-tip pigma sensei pen, a 1 mm bold-tip pigma sensei pen and a Sakura block pencil-on-paper eraser.