Scholastic Professional Trait Crate Plus Kits, Grade 3
This kit from writing expert Ruth Culham gives you grade-perfect picture books and in-depth lessons to teach writing based on the following traits: ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions. The digitally enhanced kit includes 6 picture books, a professional book on using mentor texts, 6 teaching guides, posters, stickers and web links to downloadable lesson resources and author videos. Trait Crate Plus features thoughtful and creative lessons that are ready-to-use. A companion website provides access to dozens of downloadable pages for students, video interviews with children"s authors and student-friendly scoring guides. Kit includes Ruth Culhams bestseller The Writing Thief, which takes a deep dive into the theory and practice of using mentor texts to teach the craft of writing. Trait Crate Plus uses fiction and nonfiction childrens books as mentors. Grade 3 mentor texts include: Ideas: The Swing, by Joe Cepeda Organization: Train, by Elisha Cooper Voice: The Pet Shop Revolution, by Ana Juan Word Choice: Lizards, by Nic Bishop Sentence Fluency: Too Many Toys, by David Shannon Conventions: Exclamation Mark, by Amy Krause Rosenthal.